End of June 2023: Las Vegas and Merdia Mexico!

Welcome to my blog! This is to blog my travel adventures after taking a sabbatical from work with a plan of 1 year world travel. 

 I started off in Las Vegas for the WSOP main event, sadly didn't go too well but it was a tough table! I was apparently playing with Joe Cada who won the event in 2009, he really should have given a heads up! I'm still working on formatting which will hopefully improve!



After I went to Mexico knowing I would be coming back to Canada the end of July for a wedding. I had read/and heard some good things about Merida in Yucatan so wanted to start there for my Spanish studies. Although I enjoyed the food, cenotes, and Spanish classes, it was WAY too hot and humid.


Below was my crew from class, both were teachers taking vacation to work on their Spanish! We rarely spoke English which was great! Note we are sweating everywhere.



Below are two cenotes I went to, looks like another planet underwater.


Below was the best dessert I had so far, passion fruit, meringue-thingy at Johannes Comfort Food and Bar.


Phil at Uxmal. 


Annnd Koff's wedding before I left!



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