Finishing up Ecaudor - on to Costa rica!

 Hey Fam,

So I finished up my week of Spanish classes at Banana School, the 4 hours in the morning were pretty fun. Below was the crew, left being Christina, retired and just travels the world and learns languages for fun! Ariela works for the Swiss embassy fluent in Italian, German, Swiss German, French, English and her Spanish is pretty good! The classes in the afternoon was at Simon Boliver, one on one, also pretty solid and overall probably a better school

On my last night I ate at Somos in Quito with a friend and her friend. Out of all the restaurants, this was definitely the best. Very interesting a la carte menu, a good amount of fusion (Ecuadorian/asian). I am truly sad that I was not able to try their degustación of three desserts and would like to return specifically for this (likely when I come back for the Galapagos).

No pic features, but I did end up at Zinc Bar which was beautiful and would be my go to bar on return as well.

Although I hate American Express for a variety of reasons, the priority pass access is sweet and I arrived early at the airport to indulge in all the lounge had to offer! It was 10, they had breakfast stuff, lots of pastries, 3 different types of juices, fancy coffee machine, tons of things to snack on -  I went to town.

Despite a flight delay, I finally arrived to San Jose Costa Rica and met my driver to take me to School of the World. Such an interesting school because everyone is signed up for the week, so I've been meeting the crew. People from very different backgrounds. Bill is one fella who I find fascinating, 67, retired and travels the world doing fun stuff. Specifically 8 hour bike rides. 

People have chosen between doing classes in Spanish, Yoga, Photography, and Surfing. I ended up choosing Spanish and Surfing but may add photography.

On Sunday we went to a national park which was fun, saw some iguanas, humming birds, monkeys, and snakes. For some reason it felt a little underwhelming but was still fun.

Above, one monkey is being a sleepy goose while family members are looking for bugs in his fur to eat/cleaning him.

Classes start tomorrow... stay tuned!

I've also decided to sign up for Fluent U course in Mexico. This is a very intense 1 week of Spanish in Mexico city. I've been researching it for over a year and really think this is an experience I need to try! 


  1. Sounds like a great time. Keep it up!

  2. Looks like this is really an amazing adventure. Great planning, stay safe and enjoy. Mum


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