Buenos Aires, Argentina Part 1
Rolled up to Buenos Aires, weather is perfect, prices are cheap, people are friendly!
I started off with a free walking tour Guru tour. It was great, a bit intense but a great way to see the city. Cash is king here, so people go to Western Union to get stacks of Cash - the key is going to the main branch and 20 min before opening (I went on a Monday and didn't wait!). Although, ideally is to come with 100 USD bills to get a great rate.

We got a great introduction to how the city has a lot of architectural influence form Europe as well as Italy. Apparently this street was directly copied from a street in (I think Sweden? eeks).
My airbnb in Palermo, 50 Canadian a night, has a balcony, heating and air conditioning decent kitchen, lots of light!
The crew! I hosted people at my place, my Bolivian and Brazilian friends. At the restaurant they take a photo and attach it to one of your drinks.
La Cabrera, so if you show up at 6:20 without a reservation, you can eat for 40% off, i had a solid steak although a bit fatty for me.
Bike tour in Boca organized by my photo school Mente, they sell the best empanadas here, i was impressed but not overly.
Below is part of Puerto Madero, where the new rich live, Messi had a penthouse apartment here.
I started photography classes at a school Mente that outsources the classes to a guy. He's a bit hyper, classes are at some strange ours 8 to 11 pm, so I'm hoping I can learn some cool tricks with the iphone. I also started Spanish classes at a school near by, I felt quite a ways ahead of the students at the advanced intermediate and will be doing private for the next one.
Apparently the Michelin start people are busy at work here, and some restaurants may up their prices and be hard to get into soon, so I'm making moves!
Two others things, Mundo lingo here (language exchange program) IS BOOMING here, there are events daily! I saw a tango show which was good... didn't blow me away, but I'm gonna try some lessons.
Looks like an awesome city