Dubai is nuuuuts

I've been having a blast in Dubai, my wallet is hurting as everything is pretty pricy.

There are lots of tours to take you to key spots, I've actually done two of the old city, nothing about it looks old, it reminds me a lot of turkey. A few interesting facts about Dubai, 3.6 million people, 75% are expats. Everyone is an expat is working, if you don't work, you have to leave! There are no homeless people, NONE. 

To get a passport is extremely difficult as a foreigner, reserved for celerities, people who have invested A LOT of money in the city, and women who marry a local AND have a child. There is virtually no crime here, especially if an expat were to steal - they would simply get deported very quickly. People will tell you there is no concerns walking alone at any time of day, man or women.

 It reminds me of a classier Vegas, even more over the top, every building here could be a featured building in most cities in the world. I visited the frame, which costed 43.6 million dollars to make!!! 

Although it's such a marvellous city, having come from rural Africa where people have nothing it's a little hard to swallow. 

They have some top restaurants, but I can't help but feel they've tried their best to mimic things... but it's just not the same.


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