Week 1 down! Continuing Trop Med Course.

Course has been going quite well, I have officially adjusted to the time here but it has not been easy.

Over the weekend we went Chimp trekking, which was really cool, the food was awful but somewhat comically because they were all dressed up, but served (what seemed like) frozen people heated up and an attempt at a fancy presentation.

I continue to study Japanese quite intensely but ultimately need to work with a tutor, but the wifi has been so bad everywhere it has not been possible. Plans for Japan are starting to come together but prices are starting to sky rocket because the word is out, it is the place to be.

I finally found a nice accommodation in Dubai and am excited to book some tours and restaurants. I also think I'm gonna go to Sri Lanka after Dubai, before my Thailand boot camp.

I am hopeful I can get some pics up one day.



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