Done with fitness retreat, off to Malaysia

 It was an intense 2 weeks, especially in the second week I was able to attend 2 to 3 classes a day (cross fit style), in addition to the occasional Muay Thai Class.

In Tiger gym, there is a famous Buddha run, first time it took me 39 minutes, and the second week I got my time down to 33.4 which was great. I think anyone looking to improve fitness and get away, would really benefit from spending 2-4 weeks on The Soi in Phuket. Although lots of retreats are advertised, its super easy to find cheap, nice accommodation, join a gym, find a trainer, find good healthy food, etc. Although I think training before coming here would be advised for majority of people as classes are intense and I do think injuries could happen if you don't know what you're doing.

One feature that puts this above other retreats is the cheap price of things, and the fact that there are loads of places to get 1 hour massages for ~10 Canadian bucks. I found this super helpful for recovery

Myself and 2 guys I started with (Alex and Fisnik), went to our last cheat day dinner at L'arome in Phuket, it was an amazing meal. 

I am now in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, although I was told "it's just another big city" I'm hoping to prove people wrong!

First 2 pics are from Bucha restaurant in Phuket which was amazing, on the right is Grandma's chicken thighs.

On the left is an example of my of my stable dinners at Pure Prep as part of the meal plan, on the right is one of the cats who hangs around the hotel.

On the left is the cat who would hang outside my room, he likely had some medical problems, seen her pondering his existence as he stares into a light. On the right is a float tank I tried, I got some of the salty water in my eye and despite rinsing it, found it hard to relax as it was still burning.

On the right and 2 pics below, pics from L'arome in Phuket, we had ~8 courses, 10/10!

The famous Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia.


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