Bali - Seminyak and Canggu

 So I arrived in Bali, Seminyak for 2 days and now at Kima Surf camp in Canggu. Like the one in Sri Lanka, this place is sweet! An amazing breakfast - smoothie bowls, fluffy banana pancakes, cool yogurt parfait, they have it all. The place is beautiful, multiple pools, a pretty good gym, they have Yoga sessions, meditation classes, a BBQ twice per week. 

It has been raining a fair bit at night which sucks cause it does make the water pretty dirt for surfing. There are so many good restaurants in Canggu, everything is so healthy!

I did see a DJ - Marc Rebillet, it seems he became famous on youtube, he makes some beats and loops them, however I found his show to be pretty garbage, it wasn't so much music but he was making some noises on his keyboard. Entertaining for a 10 second clip but that's it! However, the opener DJ before was amazing.

After I will be going to Ubud for some touristy stuff and to do some Yoga :P

The photo below is taken outside of a festival, although it started to rain really hard to we went home.

Below are pics from Potato Head Beach Club in Seminyak. They have amazing food, a great pool and chill space. The people watching here is also very interesting because it is so diverse.

Fancy lattes like this are EVERYWHERE

Below is the Kima surf camp campus, this is about 1/3 of it, it is massive. Below is the breakfast smoothie bowl, yogurt parfait with carrot/ginger/orange juice

Marc Rebillet, the worst!

A Vegan restaurant, healthy and delicious

March 11th, was Nyepi, everything is closed and lights are off. Although we missed a day of surfing, mostly everyone was sick so was ok to just hangout. This cat kept me company.

I've upped my Japanese classes to daily now, I think it's going pretty well, I have a good teacher and we are using a good curriculum through Japanese pod 101.


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