More Galapagos!
It has been fantastic going do the different islands and seeing completely different landscapes and animals. Almost everyday includes Snorkeling where we see lots of coral, very colour fish, sharks, turtles and sea lions. We always have two guides (naturalists) with us (1 for each group), who are EXTREMELY knowledgable. They seem to be able to answer everything even questions that have nothing to do with life on Galapagous. As I'm with an older crew, they tend to ask more questions - are there deer here? Are there ticks? But the answers have been very detailed and accurate (I've been fact checking). The other members in the group are very nice, most are semi-retired, and largely on their second marriage it appears. At night the boat gets quite rocky but I've been finding it quite soothing. I'm trying working on a Galapagos Jeopardy game and really excited to bust this out tonight or tomorrow. I've been trying to keep up with Spanish but most of the crew I interact ...